Touch switch is an electronic device that activates a circuit or command when touched, enabling control with minimal physical contact for enhanced user experience.

The design of a touch switch typically involves a capacitive or resistive sensing mechanism, where a touch from a user changes the electrical field or resistance, triggering a circuit to activate or deactivate a device. It may incorporate a microcontroller for signal processing, ensuring a reliable and responsive interface without mechanical components.

Yini i-Touch Switch?

Isikhathi sokwakhiwa kwefektri

Lokhu i-flexible circuit ethinu kanye nekhulu elincane kubonisa ukuthi kunezinto ezincane zemisindo enezithombe eziningi.

Izinto zokugcina ezincane zemisindo

Izinto zokugcina zasePolyimide

Izinto zokugcina zaseFabric

I-flexible circuit nezinto zokugcina ezincane zemisindo yokugcina ziyindlela enhle yokwenza i-Indium Tin Oxide (ITO).

Izinto zokugcina ezincane zemisindo ezincane zemisindo nge-SMT kanye ne-BGA ziyadinga ukugqoka izinto ezincane zemisindo ezincane zemisindo.

Izinto zokugcina ezincane zemisindo ezincane zemisindo ziyadinga kakhulu kwezinhlelo zokugqoka izinto ezincane zemisindo kanye nezinhlelo zezokwelapha.

Collaborate & Design 

The process starts by collaborating with the customer and can startwith something as simple as adescription or sketch.

The Process




Once we have designed the product and received customer approval, we begin the prototyping process.

After prototypes are approved, we enter the product into full scale production

Ukukhokhela nokusekela isixhumi sokuqala kusukela ekupheleni kwempahla. BSD iyathokozisa izinto ezazikhethiwe ngaphambi kokuthola iminyaka engama-30.

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Custom Membrane Switch Solutions & Features